Factory AMHS System
- Factory AMHS System
We identify the most efficient automation that is best suited for the customer's production factory, and make proposals that combine management analysis systems, machine tools, conveyor equipment, industrial robots, etc.
We also provide solutions not only in the general environment but also in “Clean Rooms”, and we offer proposals suitable to customer’s needs, from partial labor savings to solutions throughout the entire factory.
DIFFERENCE The difference between us and other companies
01.We do not propose an existing package product.
Many FA proposals are based on existing packages. However, our customers' production processes are very different. We will work closely with it to find the best FA solution.
02.Low Risk, Low Cost
Systemization proposals from major FA manufacturers are costly, ranging from a minimum of several hundred million yen, and it is difficult to take the plunge from the standpoint of investment recovery. We believe that there is a high demand for "step-by-step improvements," so we propose an inexpensive system that can be expanded freely in the future.
03.Free selection of devices.
Our system has the ability to interface with a wide variety of devices, so there are no barriers to connectivity. Customers can freely change their current device to another manufacturer's device in the future. Also, since we do not need to recommend a specific manufacturer's product, we can make a proposal that fits your budget and circumstances.
Our equipments are used in many clean room industries that require high quality standards, such as semiconductors, and our systems are built by a team that has been in charge of many major semiconductor factory AMHS systems in Asia. Therefore it is highly reliable and offers overwhelming stability and functionality. Our customer support is available 24 hours a day, not only in Japan, but also in Taiwan, China, and Korea.
The Clean Room Environment
We offer solutions specializing in AMHS transport systems for the semiconductor and LCD industries. Our vertical Lifting Systems are adopted by semiconductor and LCD manufacturing companies in all of Asia, and we still hold the top market share of over 60%.
General (Non-Clean) Environment
We propose the DSK Smart Factory System. Our self-developed automation integration system can be easily linked to the management system at the production site, allowing not only automation and labor saving, but also visualization and analysis of production numbers, product locations, manufacturing equipment operation status, quality information, and statistical data. It can be jointed with all kinds of manufacturing equipment, allowing us to provide solutions that meet the budget and needs of our customers.
Robotic solutions
"We provide manpower saving and automation by using robots. Our in-house engineers provide solutions for everything from selecting the most suitable robot for your manufacturing or transport equipment, to teaching and post-installation maintenance.
There is an increasing need for automation not only to improve productivity but also to eliminate dangerous work."
Our Primary Users
Our products, mainly vertical Lifting systems are adopted in almost all semiconductor and LCD factories, which are the leading industries in East Asia.